• Série animée
  • 2D

In a few words

Yakari is a Franco-Belgian animated television series consisting of 156 episodes, each lasting from eleven to thirteen minutes. It was created based on the comic book character of the same name by Job and Derib.


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General Info

Synopsis / Project summary

The bravest little Sioux boy with a magical gift! Yakari, a Sioux boy, lives a great adventure every day in the wilderness with his best friends, Rainbow and Buffalo Seed, his horse Little Thunder and his protective totem, Great Eagle, who gave him the power to talk to animals.

Distribution date
Type of project / Format
2D Animated series - 26x12'
Producer / Director / Distributor
Storimages - Belvision - RTBF - 2 Minutes/ Xavier Giacometti/ Mediatoon Distribution

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