• Long métrage
  • 2D

In a few words

Vale­mon: The Polar Bear King is a spec­tac­u­lar and mod­ern ani­mat­ed film based on one of Scan­di­navi­a’s most beloved folk tales. It is a sto­ry of love, greed, courage, and nature’s won­ders, packed with sus­pense, humour, music and breath­tak­ing scenery.


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General Info

Synopsis / Project summary

In the spectacular animated fairy tale "Valemon: The Polar Bear King", we encounter the fearless, curious and adventurous Liv, who dreams of leaving her home in the woods. When the polar bear Valemon offers her family a way out of poverty if she comes with him, she accepts.

Type of project / Format
2D Feature Film
Producer / Director / Distributor
Maipo Film - Vivi Film - Beside Productions/Mikkel Sandemose/TrustNordisk

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