• Long métrage
  • 3D

In production

When the world is threat­ened with an end­less win­ter, a young ide­al­is­tic plover and two unlike­ly feath­ered heroes; a street-smart snake charmer and a leg­endary war­rior who is past his prime, set out on a per­ilous thou­sand miles jour­ney to foil the plans of the evil Ice Queen and her fear­some army by sig­nalling the arrival of spring in order to ful­fil an ancient leg­end. The ques­tion is that even if they man­age to beat the queen and her min­ions will the sea­son­al bal­ance be restored? It’s a tale of courage, friend­ship and high adven­ture that shows that even the small­est and frailest of us have an impor­tant role to play in the scheme of things.

General Info

Type of project / Format
Feature film 3D
Producer / Director / Distributor
GunHil- Vivi Film - SagaFilm / Gunnar Karlsson & Freek Quartier

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