• Série animée
  • 2D

In a few words

Abraca is a French animated fantasy television series that was released in 2019. It expands upon the universe of Imagi, which first appeared in the video game "Abraca" in 2016.


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General Info

Synopsis / Project summary

"Abraca," a 12-year-old apprentice magician from the magical world of Imagi, is sent to Earth (accompanied by her chicken, Hildegarde) by the knight Don Quixote. The young girl is tasked with starting her magic training under the guidance of the venerable witch Carabosse. While on Earth, she meets Firmin, Carabosse's grandson and a video game enthusiast, as well as Lulu, the nosy next-door neighbor, and Coqueluche, the cat. Together, they must assist numerous characters from fairy tales and popular stories in solving their various problems.

Distribution date
Type of project / Format
Série 2D - 26x22'
Producer / Director / Distributor
Ankama Animations - MadLab Animations - Belvision/ Fabrice Nzinzi & Christophe Bulteel/ Okoo

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